The new hailor is out. Please Click SSYC 2022 March Hailor
All posts by kmartek
WiFi Towers & Dock Raising
Hi All,
On Saturday, the 25th of September, SSYC will be putting up WiFi towers around the club grounds. So if you have time, around 10:00 AM, please stop out & help. Should not take too long (I hope).
Also, the SSYC dock has been set to the winter time height. This is necessary to protect the docks against ice damage this Winter. We will be posting the list of low docks on our information boards on the east & west sides of the club. The SSYC dock is next to slip 180.
See you Saturday! Bill
SSYC 2021 June Special Summer Hailor
The new hailor is out. Please Click SSYC 2021 June Special Summer Hailor
No Fireworks at SSYC
Just a reminder that fireworks are strictly forbidden at SSYC. Boats are very flammable vehicles and any violation of this rule can result in a major violation and even expulsion from the club. We want everyone to enjoy the holiday but safety of our membership and the boats moored at the club comes first.
Simply enjoy the holiday at the public fireworks and your home.
Sincerely, SSYC BOD
Work Party Rescheduled to Sunday, April 25th., 10:00am
We need volunteers on Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 10:00am to bring out picnic tables and clean grills. Donuts and coffee will be available at 9:30am (Note: This was rescheduled from Saturday because of the threat of rain). Hope to see you there.
2022 America’s Boating Club of Saginaw Bay Boat Safety Inspections
The 2022 America’s Boating Club of Saginaw Bay (formerly called Saginaw Bay Sail and Power Squadron) will be at SSYC for boat safety inspections summer. Sign up sheets will be posted for a boat inspection at the bath houses once a date is finalized. This is a good way to learn a little more about your boat and boating safely on the Saginaw Bay. It helps avoid (but not necessarily stops) those untimely inspections by the Coast Guard too. Hope you take advantage of this great opportunity.
SSYC 2021 Sping Hailor
Hello Boaters,
The SSYC 2021 Spring Hailor has been posted to the Hailor area on the website. Follow this link for the latest Club information.
SSYC 2021 March Hailor
Sincerely, SSYC Board of Directors
Safe Boating Class Schedule
America’s Boating Club of Saginaw Bay (formerly called Saginaw Bay Sail and Power Squadron) is offering classes that are great for both adding to and refreshing your safe boating practices. Some classes offer an online version.
Bay City / Saginaw Area Classes:
Boating Course
March 25, 2021
Click Here To Register
Boat Handling
May 6, 2021
Contact Information:
Saginaw Bay Yacht Club
2313 Weadock Hwy. Essexville MI
For People in Other Locations: Find a club near you click here.
SSYC 2020 Fall Hailor
Hello Boaters,
The SSYC 2020 Fall Hailor has been posted to the Hailor area on the website. Follow this link for the latest Club information.
SSYC 2020 November Fall Hailor
Sincerely, SSYC Board of Directors
Seasonal Shut Down 10-24-20
The club will be shut down for the season on Saturday, October 24, 2020. This means that we with be winterizing the pump outs, washer & dryers, and putting away the tables. Water will be shut down in the following week followed by power being turned off for everything but minimal systems. Please have your boat out by no later than end-of-month.