Channel Info

Fall channel sounding were completed on November 2, 2024. Thank you Bill Roberts, Dave Nice and Travis VanOchten for completing the soundings!

Select the link to see depths – November 2, 2024 Channel Soundings

Old News

Great News! Channel dredging is complete and the equipment should be removed by the end of today, Friday, May 17, 2024. The center of the channel looks very good, however, as always procced with caution as the river is constantly changing and moving debris. Additionally, wind direction and weather can greatly affect the channel depth. Channel buoys will be installed the week of 5/20/2024 as soon as weather and volunteer schedules allow. Have a safe Boating Season!

The initial channel dredging of 50′ x 300′ has been completed. However, after soundings were taken, SSYC along with BCYC agreed that dredging needed to be done further to the east into the shipping channel. Savin (dredging company) has been contracted (at a reduced cost since they are already set up) to clear an additional 50′ x 160′ in our channel which will reach the shipping channel. Once dredging is complete the week of May 20, 2024 the channel buoys will be installed as soon as possible.

Savin (dredging company) will have signs on the front and back of their barge to indicate which way you should pass to avoid the submerged lines. Additionally, Savin will have a sign displaying their radio channel for boaters to call and speak with an operator in case of confusion.

On Sunday 4/7/2024, Tom Pomerville, Wayde Konze, Dennis Reinke, and Bill Roberts completed the spring channel sounding. 

The data charted below was taken at 580.93’ above sea level with a 6 knot wind out of the east.  The low water datum (LWD) is 579.43’ above sea level.  Please note that water level changes constantly depending on the wind direction and barometric pressure.   If you would like to see the real time water level you can go to the link below. If Essexville, MI does not immediately come up, use Station ID 9075035.

Real Time Water Level –  Essexville Water level

Channel Depths recorded on 4/7/2024 – Channel Soundings Data

SSYC in conjunction with BCYC has contracted with Savin Lake Services to dredge the channel this spring.  We anticipate the dredging to start in late April or May and should take approximately three weeks to complete. 

SSYC is also looking at long term options to minimize annual dredging.  Our club along with BCYC have started discussing options with Jim Barcia the Bay County Supervisor as he works with the DNR, ELSE and the Army Corp of Engineers.