Theft of Dock Boxes

We are receiving reports that several dock boxes have gone missing. Slip #2 had their dock box taken. We are looking for information concerning anything someone may have seen regarding people that appear to be working on a dock box at the club. At the time of this write-up, we are trying to get confirmation as to whether or not other boxes where stolen or just removed by the owner. It appears slip #88 has had their box removed.

Please check your slips to see if your dock boxes have been taken. If you find that they have been stolen, please file a police report and let us know too. This will help us to get more regular patrols of our area. As always, keep a look out for anything strange or just doesn’t feel right and report it to a SSYC Board of Director member. Call the police if you believe a criminal act is taking place.

Anyone with information about the missing dock boxes, please report it to, Kris Martek, Director of Violations (734) 495-0766 or any SSYC Board of Directors member. All our contact information is on the website. We appreciate any help you may give on this matter.