Letter from the SSYC Commodore regarding the channel – posted

Good morning Sunset Shores Yacht Club Members,

            The channel entering our club is at the mercy of Lake Huron & Saginaw Bay-Saginaw River.  Earlier this summer, we dredged the channel to a depth of 6’.  (This was a point that was determined by the dredge company.)  After they completed their work, we said it was not good enough.  The company then went back into the channel & used our point of reference which was a  depth of 6’.  Our crew went back out & checked their work and found the depth to be satisfactory.   At that point the lakes & river decided to adjust what we did.  This is a simple explanation of what transpired.  The lake, Bay & river won.  We work with Bay City Yacht Club to determine dredging needs as it is a shared channel.  The first step in that process is to check the depth for accurate soundings to determine how much needs to be dredged in the spring.  The bottom line is we need the water to return to Lake Huron-Saginaw Bay-Saginaw River as the water fluctuation would not affect the channel so much.  Plan your exit from SSYC based on wind direction.  (North Wind)

       William Roberts

Future lake Level Forecast

Historic Lake Levels in Essexville