Our channel is free of logs for now! This was more trouble than any of us can remember regarding log removal. The process was performed in 2 stages.
First stage: Dennis Albee, Tom Duch, Dennis Reinke and Bill Roberts went out to locate & remove whatever could be found. They located and removed a single 25’ log. They also located a second submerged log. However, due to the size of the log they didn’t have the proper equipment to complete the job and the weather was turning on them. So, we contacted Prime contracting to see if they could remove the log for us. He said he would give it a try for $5,000. If we had done it that way we would have split the cost with Bay City Yacht Club. $2500.00 divided by 186 = $13.44 a share… Seemed fairly reasonable. In the meantime, Joe Shotwell (BCYC) called. He wanted to try to get the log out. The Commodore said “well, okay if you think you can do it then let’s get it out!”
Second stage: Dennis Albee, Dave Dammann, Dennis Reinke, Randy Bauer (SSYC neighbor) and Joe Shotwell (Bay City Yacht Club) went out to give it a try. Joe Shotwell used a ladder to get down on top the log. He was able to get a wire line around the log and Randy Bauer then pulled the log out with his tractor. After that they searched around and found yet another log. They removed that one as well.
For now our channel is clear, but we must continue to be careful because the potential for more logs to drift into our channel from the river is ever present.
In the meantime, if you cross paths with any of the club members mentioned who volunteered their precious time to clear our channel… a hearty handshake and a gigantic Thank You is certainly in order